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Use E-Rate Discounts to Help Schools Update Networks and Services

"E-Rate" (short for Education Rate) is administered by USAC under the direction of the FCC. It provides discounts to assist schools and libraries in obtaining affordable telecommunications and Internet access. Discounts are based on the level of poverty, population served, and the number of students eligible for the National School Lunch Program. Budgeted at over $2.3 billion annually, the E-Rate program is the largest funding vehicle for technology in schools. Additionally, this year starts the ConnectED Initiative, providing an additional $1 billion to assure adequate Internet connectivity and bandwidth in the nation’s schools.

What Services are Available?

Telecommunication Services: Schools and libraries have maximum flexibility to choose among different types of commercially available telecommunication services for both voice and data. Examples include: regular telephone lines for teachers to receive phone calls in the classroom; pagers for security officials; high-bandwidth telecommunication services; satellite delivery for distance learning; and coaxial cable. 
Internet Access: Services for accessing the Internet are eligible for discounts. Content, such as a paid subscription service, is not covered. 
Internal Connections -- Bringing the Technology into the Learning Environment: Basic installation and maintenance of a network are eligible for discounts. Examples of eligible technologies necessary for establishing a network include: routers; hubs; network file servers; wireless local area networks; and software needed for operation of file servers. Personal computers used solely as switches or file servers are eligible; however, personal computers for teachers and students are not covered.

Acquiring a SPIN:

All service providers must file an FCC Form 498 to request a Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN). Once a SPIN is obtained, service providers can update and review information

Advanced Training 
Basic Training 
  • Intelligent Technology Solutions partners' E-Rate Training

For more information about E-Rate Training, contact sales@its-itsm.com.




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